Jun 3, 2007

Mango Charlotte von Choppies

Dear Friends and Family,
I write this letter to you with a heavy heart and sad news. Most of you know that our beloved English bulldog, Porkie, passed away months ago from a brain tumor at the young age of six. Although we are still deeply grieving her loss, I made the decision to take in a French bulldog in honor of her memory. My heart was weary of opening itself to a newcomer, but after having been asked for help by the previous rescue person, we somehow knew it was the right thing to do and that Porkie would have agreed. We rescued Mango Charlotte von Choppies from a puppy-mill only two months ago. She came to us in horrible condition having obviously been severely neglected. The previous rescue home had done what they could, but her neglect was severe and would take time to transform.
Having her in our lives has been hard both financially and time-consuming, but she has been nothing short of a huge blessing—she gives much more than she could ever take from us. Mango is a loving, silly Frenchie with personality to spare! Although she has only been a part of our home for six weeks now, we already can't imagine life without her. Yesterday we found out that what we thought was a mere urinary tract infection that Mango struggled with is, in fact, transitional cell carcinoma. In short, she has a tumor in her urinary bladder that is the size of a golf ball. Being realistic the veterinary specialists said possibly 290 days to one year to live...up to 2 years, and there was a special case where a dog lived past 2 years...just depending on if the Piroxicam can shrink the tumor to where she can still urinate. He said because we do not know her previous medical history (see her exact myspace page for the info)we don't know how accurate the diagnosis is.
In a desperate search for help, I consulted with a homeopathic vet who directed me towards something called PSP and Vital Red. I did further research and found that it is used in China as a tumor shrinking agent and that it could be the difference that Mango needs to make it through this horrible diagnosis.I am sending this letter to ask for help from those of you who feel led to do so. When we took in Mango, we did so to make a difference. To let others know that there are people out there who are willing to make a difference in the lives of an older dog in need. To give a frenchie the love that she has ALWAYS deserved, but never received. Never did we think something like this would happen. Unfortunately, after all that we went through with Porkie and with Mango's initial care needs, we just don't have the finances to cover her medical expenses. Her diagnostic procedure alone was $885.00 and then a three-week supply of her medication ran us $300. We had to do a second biopsy because the first came back inconclusive. That procedure was $890.00. She just started her first chemo treatment today which is $740.00 per treatment and she will require 4 in total. She will need to wear diapers, have blood work done and regular testing. These figures are without adding in the thousand dollars we spent before we found out that her medical difficulties were so severe and in need of further investigation.

Even a donation of a dollar could add up for us and make a huge difference in helping with the cost of Mango's care. I know that we all have needs in our own lives, but if you are able to help, please know that it would be greatly appreciated by our family. Please also know that if you cannot help us financially, your prayers are just as equally welcome. Thank you all so much for being such great friends. We truly appreciate all of you and the care and support you have always given to us...
Love,Porkie, Chubbie, Cheekie, Mango, and LCC
Please visit Mango's new site for donations, words of prayer, and just encouragement.
We thank Gwennie and Maeg for helping us to write this letter while we are still bogged down with sorrow.
Again, thank you all for being such supportive and love friends! You're the reason why we're on myspace!

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